Cairo, 20 September 2008
To the Provincial Priors
and the Regents of studies of the Order
Dear brothers,
You did receive a few months ago a letter signed by fr. Marcio Couto, Socius for the Intellectual Life, and myself, informing you that IDEO, the Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies, based in Cairo is organizing a two-week workshop on Islam and inter-religious dialogue in Cairo for English speaking Dominican students in July 2009 (1-15 July). Several of you have already told us that some of your students might be interested to attend this workshop. We need now to start the registration.
As we told you in our previous letter, this two-week program in Cairo will articulate three elements:
- Lectures on the basic topics of Islam and inter-religious dialogue
- Visit of significant places (Al-Azhar University, mosques, etc.)
- Personal contacts
A visit to Mount Sinai will be organized at the end of the workshop. Everything will be in English.
Would you, please, circulate the attached application form in your province through the regent and student master? We will accept a maximum of 2 students by province, because the maximum of friars we are able to accommodate is 12 to 15. I remind you that IDEO has received a grant from a foundation to help to organize this workshop and will pay for the board and lodging. The provinces will only have to pay the tickets to Cairo and provide some pocket money. If some help is needed, this might be considered case by case.
Thanks for making known this proposal in your province and supporting it. We need to have received all the applications at the end of January 2009 and will then contact all the candidates to see with them the practical details (visas, tickets, etc.).
Contact: jjperennes@gmail.com
Yours in St Dominic
fr. Jean-Jacques Pérennès, op
Secretary General of IDEO
Attached: application form
Workshop on Islam and inter-religious dialogue
Cairo- Egypt (1-15 July 2009)
Name: ............................................................................................................................................
Nationality: ...................................................................................................................................
Age: ................................................................................................................................................
Province: .......................................................................................................................................
Situation in the Order (level of studies: ...................................................................................
Languages: ...................................................................................................................................
Previous degrees: ………………………………………………………………………………
Complete postal address: ...........................................................................................................
The final agreement will be sent by the end of January 2009 and then IDEO will give the practical information to the friars who are registered.
Please, return this sheet by mail to the Secretary General of IDEO (jjperennes@gmail.com) or by fax (+ (202) 26 82 06 82).
To the Provincial Priors
and the Regents of studies of the Order
Dear brothers,
You did receive a few months ago a letter signed by fr. Marcio Couto, Socius for the Intellectual Life, and myself, informing you that IDEO, the Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies, based in Cairo is organizing a two-week workshop on Islam and inter-religious dialogue in Cairo for English speaking Dominican students in July 2009 (1-15 July). Several of you have already told us that some of your students might be interested to attend this workshop. We need now to start the registration.
As we told you in our previous letter, this two-week program in Cairo will articulate three elements:
- Lectures on the basic topics of Islam and inter-religious dialogue
- Visit of significant places (Al-Azhar University, mosques, etc.)
- Personal contacts
A visit to Mount Sinai will be organized at the end of the workshop. Everything will be in English.
Would you, please, circulate the attached application form in your province through the regent and student master? We will accept a maximum of 2 students by province, because the maximum of friars we are able to accommodate is 12 to 15. I remind you that IDEO has received a grant from a foundation to help to organize this workshop and will pay for the board and lodging. The provinces will only have to pay the tickets to Cairo and provide some pocket money. If some help is needed, this might be considered case by case.
Thanks for making known this proposal in your province and supporting it. We need to have received all the applications at the end of January 2009 and will then contact all the candidates to see with them the practical details (visas, tickets, etc.).
Contact: jjperennes@gmail.com
Yours in St Dominic
fr. Jean-Jacques Pérennès, op
Secretary General of IDEO
Attached: application form
Workshop on Islam and inter-religious dialogue
Cairo- Egypt (1-15 July 2009)
Name: ............................................................................................................................................
Nationality: ...................................................................................................................................
Age: ................................................................................................................................................
Province: .......................................................................................................................................
Situation in the Order (level of studies: ...................................................................................
Languages: ...................................................................................................................................
Previous degrees: ………………………………………………………………………………
Complete postal address: ...........................................................................................................
The final agreement will be sent by the end of January 2009 and then IDEO will give the practical information to the friars who are registered.
Please, return this sheet by mail to the Secretary General of IDEO (jjperennes@gmail.com) or by fax (+ (202) 26 82 06 82).